
WSD 012 Mount Everest Leadership and Team Simulation

DAU Courses

iCatalog Home WSD 012 Mount Everest Leadership and Team Simulation
(Last Modified:05-Jul-2023)


Mount Everest Leadership and Team Simulation is a web-based, multimedia multi-user simulation that uses the dramatic context of a Mount Everest expedition to reinforce student learning about leading effective team decision-making processes. The challenge course involves a series of activities that require various degrees of teamwork, problem solving, collaboration, cooperation, and open communications.

Each participant assumes a different role and is given resources and information that his or her team must process effectively to make a series of critical decisions about the timing and execution of hiking along successive camps in its ascent to the summit. The teaching points for the exercise focus on how teams make complex decisions when critical information is distributed unevenly among members and when members have partially conflicting goals.

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Target Attendees
Defense acquisition, technology and logistics management workforce organizations interested in improving their team and individual’s performance.
Predecessor Course(s)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Expires On
None None None None
Course Length
4 hrs
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Workshop
Equivalent Courses N/A
Availability All
PDS Code N/A
Walk-ins Authorized N/A
Pre-work required No
First Offering 4/21/2015
ACE Recommended Credits N/A
Continuing Education Units   0
Continuous Learning Points  4
Reservist Retirement Points  0
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
Fulfillment Eligible N/A
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Training conducted by DAU faculty who are certified Harvard Business School Publishing Educators.