
LOG 0160 Independent Logistics Assessments (ILA)

DAU Courses

iCatalog Home LOG 0160 Independent Logistics Assessments (ILA)
(Last Modified:26-Apr-2023)


This online training (OLT) course provides defense acquisition workforce professionals with an introduction to Independent Logistics Assessments (ILA), which are formal reviews of the state of a program’s product support, sustainment and logistics planning and documentation. These reviews, governed by 10 U.S.C. 4325 and DoD Instruction 5000.91, require the military departments to conduct an ILA of each major weapon system prior to key acquisition decision points (including milestone decisions and the Full Rate Production decision) to identify features that are likely to drive future operating and support costs, changes to system design that could reduce such costs, and effective strategies for managing such costs. The course also provides an overview of the ILA process described in the DoD ILA Guidebook and key focus areas identified in the Services' ILA guidance.
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Target Attendees
Life Cycle Logistics and Defense Acquisition Workforce Members, particularly those engaged with life cycle product support strategy development and execution, as well as those involved in conducting or receiving an Independent Logistics Assessment (ILA), and their defense industry counterparts.
Predecessor Course(s)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Expires On
None None None None
Course Length
Approximately 1 hour to complete
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Online Training
Equivalent Courses N/A
Availability All
Walk-ins Authorized N/A
Pre-work required No
First Offering 1/6/2022
ACE Recommended Credits None
Continuing Education Units   0
Continuous Learning Points  1
Reservist Retirement Points  0
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
Fulfillment Eligible N/A
Technical Requirements Click Here
  • Any exams in this course must be passed with a minimum score of 80%.
  • There is no time limit for completing this course.
  • After completing the course, please be sure to complete the survey at the end.
  • The CLPs assigned to this learning activity may be used to meet professional certification and/or licensure requirements (PDUs/CPE credits).