
TST 2040 Test and Evaluation for Practitioners

DAU Courses

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(Page Last Modified:12-Dec-2024)


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This classroom (CLRM) course builds upon professionals' knowledge, skills, and on-the-job experience relating to DoD test and evaluation (T&E) policies, processes, and practices. A number of problem-solving situations engage participants in the application of T&E concepts and principles. Course topics include the role of T&E in systems acquisition; T&E planning and T&E strategy; T&E master plan development; managing a T&E program; and planning, preparation for, executing, analyzing, evaluating and reporting the results of T&E events.
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Target Attendees
This course is part of the Practitioner certification training requirement for the Test & Evaluation functional area. Additionally, members of other acquisition functional areas, including defense industry personnel who require an understanding of how T&E is applied to systems acquisition will benefit from this course.
  • ACQ 2020 Intermediate Systems Acquisition, Part A
  • ACQ 2030 Intermediate Systems Acquisition, Part B
  • CLE 030 Integrated Testing
  • TST 102 Fundamentals of Test and Evaluation
  • TST 1100 Introduction to Systems Engineering for Testers
  • TST 2100 Applied Systems Engineering for Testers
Predecessor Course(s)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Expires On
None None None None
Course Length
10 days
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Classroom
Equivalent Courses None
Availability All
PDS Code HH2
Walk-ins Authorized Yes
Pre-work required Yes [approx. 3 hour(s)]
First Offering 11/29/2021
ACE Recommended Credits YES
Continuing Education Units   7.2
Continuous Learning Points  72
Reservist Retirement Points  0
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
Fulfillment Eligible YES
Technical Requirements Click Here
Additional Information:
  • The CLPs assigned to this learning activity may be used to meet professional certification and/or licensure requirements (PDUs/CPE credits).