
EXE 4050V Leading Change to Drive Innovative Culture

DAU Courses

iCatalog Home EXE 4050V Leading Change to Drive Innovative Culture
(Last Modified:30-Jul-2024)


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***This is an online Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) course.***

This course is restricted to DoD government civilian and military students only.

Key Outcomes: This course is designed to inspire you and your peers to think outside the box and recognize your capacity for innovation and creativity.
  • Bring your most vexing organization problem/challenge statement.
  • Embark on a journey of self-exploration and practice with innovative tools and methods.
  • Engage in various simulations and explore radically different thinking tools to generate breakthrough ideas for your team or organization problem/challenge statement.
  • Experience the power of collaborative learning in an IPT setting.
  • Depart this course equipped with new tools that generate fresh thinking to address your most vexing challenges.
There is an old saying in the military that states, “train as you fight.” This course was reimagined with that theme in mind. Expect to work in a small group setting with peers from various acquisition functional areas and industry partners, in an Integrated Product Team (IPT) setting. The course concludes with an Apex Exercise, where you will apply the knowledge gained from simulations and apply those techniques to your problem or challenge statement. Roll up your sleeves and experience first-hand innovation techniques to develop new breakthrough ideas.

Download Course Objectives
Target Attendees
DoD practitioners with five (5) years of experience in their Functional Area
See the Notes section of this course's concept card for recommended prerequisite notes.
Predecessor Course(s)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Expires On
None None None None
Course Length
5 class days
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Virtual Instructor Led Training
Equivalent Courses N/A
Availability All
PDS Code Z3I
Walk-ins Authorized Yes
Pre-work required Yes [approx. 2 hour(s)]
First Offering 7/13/2020
ACE Recommended Credits None
Continuing Education Units   3.4
Continuous Learning Points  34
Reservist Retirement Points  0
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
Fulfillment Eligible N/A
Technical Requirements Click Here
Recommended Prerequisite Notes:
  • EXE 4050V is designed as a cross-functional learning experience with seasoned acquisition professionals.
Additional Information:
  • This course is focused on the practitioners with five (5) or more years of experience as specified by the Functional Area Leader. Offerings of this course are conducted virtually. VILT learning is from 0930 to 1630 Eastern time.
  • Peer-to-peer or group learning time is scheduled from 0800 to 0930 Eastern time each morning.
  • Virtual walk-ins may join at 0900 as capacity allows. Please contact the Course Manager, Terrence Howard at [email protected], to express your interest as a virtual walk-in on or before 0900 Eastern time on the day of the class. Further instructions will be provided via the Course Manager's email. Please cc our Producer: Sage Pritchett at [email protected].
  • This course is an instructor-led virtual offering and requires you to participate in multiple simulations and exercises. Learners will also participate in varying out-briefs as prescribed in the learner's Innovator Enchiridion.
  • You are required to access an Okta-provisioned DAU account. The actual class will be conducted using DAU's MS Teams for Education. We will provide detailed instructions approximately 1-2 weeks before class starts.
  • Learners must also complete DAU's Connectivity and Orientation Session prior to the Course Manager's Welcome Session. This usually occurs two weeks before the class starts. Further information will be provided in your Course Manager's Welcome Letter.
  • Classes are subject to cancellation if we do not have a minimum of 14 learners registered for the offering.
  • EXE 4050V has no prerequisite course requirements.
  • Please remember that all times are based on Eastern time.
  • DAU does not reimburse learners for equipment, devices, or other internet services.
  • The CLPs assigned to this learning activity may be used to meet professional certification and/or licensure requirements (PDUs/CPE credits).