
ACQ 305 Services Acquisition Management Office

DAU Courses

iCatalog Home ACQ 305 Services Acquisition Management Office
(Last Modified:15-Jul-2024)


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***This is an in-person classroom (CLRM) Instructor Led Training course. DAU Centralized Travel Funds are NOT authorized. If TDY will be required to attend this course, your organization must fund your TDY. Please contact your organization/agency training office for unit travel funds/Line of Accounting (LOA). DAU and the Component Acquisition Training Offices do not have the authority to provide travel funds/LOA.***

Foreign National Students will need to contact their Country Program Manager (CPM) who will coordinate with the Security Assistance Training Field Activity (SATFA). please send an email to [email protected].

This classroom (CLRM) course will provide training for a Functional Services Manager (FSM) to successfully plan, develop, and execute a services acquisition, including a Services Category (S-CAT) I acquisition of $1 billion or more. The FSM as well as members of a multi-functional team (MFT) will benefit from the critical thinking, analysis, and use of tools to improve the acquisition of contracted services, ensuring services provided satisfy the department's mission requirements. ACQ 305 uses the Services Acquisition Seven-Step Process and an Information Technology Services case. This course may also serve as an opportunity for experienced acquisition personnel to improve their understanding of the Service Acquisition Process.

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Target Attendees
All DoD military and civilian personnel, and their industry counterparts, who are multi-functional team members, or otherwise involved in the acquisition of services. This course will benefit both the non-acquisition workforce and the acquisition workforce, including program managers/functional service managers, contracting specialists, contracting officer's representatives, quality assurance reviewers, and those who are involved in developing and executing performance requirements, business strategies, and assessing contractor-provided services.
See Notes section of the concept card for recommended prerequisites.
Predecessor Course(s)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Expires On
None None None None
Course Length
4 class days
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Classroom
Equivalent Courses No
Availability All
PDS Code Z28
Walk-ins Authorized Yes
Pre-work required Yes [approx. 2 hour(s)]
First Offering 2/9/2022
ACE Recommended Credits None
Continuing Education Units   2.7
Continuous Learning Points  27
Reservist Retirement Points  0
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
Fulfillment Eligible YES
Technical Requirements Click Here
Recommended Prerequisites:
  • ACQ 1650 Defense Acquisition of Services
  • ACQ 265V/265 Mission-Focused Services Acquisition
  • ACQ 2551 Services Acquisition Management Tools
  • CLE 083 Information Technology Service Management (ITSM), and
  • Either CLE 028 Market Research for Technical Personnel or CON 0040 Market Research
Additional Information:
  • The CLPs assigned to this learning activity may be used to meet professional certification and/or licensure requirements (PDUs/CPE credits).