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BCF 216 Applied Operating and Support Cost Analysis

DAU Courses

iCatalog Home BCF 216 Applied Operating and Support Cost Analysis
(Last Modified:08-Sep-2022)


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See BCF 216V, Course converted to VILT only. The course covers the basic concepts and methodologies needed to develop operating and support (O&S) cost estimates. Emphasis is on the cost estimating techniques that are more commonly used in an O&S estimate; especially those that are not as widely used outside of an O&S estimate. Students will focus on understanding the elements of the O&S Cost Estimating Structure. The course culminates with students creating and justifying a small O&S estimate.
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Target Attendees
Early and mid-career Cost Estimating professionals and mid to late career Logisticians. Also, anyone who is involved either directly or indirectly with the cost issues surrounding the usage, maintenance and serviceability of military equipment
Required: None
Predecessor Course(s)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Expires On
None None None None
Course Length
4.5 classroom days
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Classroom
Equivalent Courses None
Availability All
PDS Code ZB5
Walk-ins Authorized No
Pre-work required No
First Offering 5/13/2019
ACE Recommended Credits YES
Continuing Education Units   2.6
Continuous Learning Points  26
Reservist Retirement Points  0
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
Fulfillment Eligible N/A
Technical Requirements Click Here
  • Registration for this course is RESTRICTED to DoD personnel only.
  • This course is heavy in the use of quantitative analysis methods. Competence in algebra and Microsoft Excel is essential.
  • Completion of ACQ 101, BCF 130 and 132 is strongly recommended.
  • Participants must provide and be familiar with a scientific calculator.