BCE 0150 Databases for Cost Estimating
Welcome to the Department of Defense (DoD) Databases for Cost Estimating.

This Online Training (OLT) course focuses on DoD Databases. The scope of the course is DoD relational databases. This course does not discuss all DoD databases; it is a sampling of some of the more well-known databases. Access to most of the DoD databases is controlled and, in some cases, is classified; both of these issues limit the databases that can be openly discussed. This course is not a substitute for becoming a trained user in any of the discussed databases; rather, it is intended to introduce students to a cross section of DoD databases. Interested students should pursue additional training specific to one or more of the databases discussed here.

Download Course Objectives
Target Attendees
DoD members who utilize DoD databases in the furtherance of their efforts to construct DoD cost estimates.
Predecessor Course(s)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Expires On
None None None None
Course Length
Approximately 4 hours to complete
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Online Training
Equivalent Courses  N/A
Availability All
PDS Code  AZ7
Walk-ins Authorized  N/A
Pre-work required   No
First Offering  9/18/2024
ACE Recommended Credits  None
Continuous Education Units  0
Continuous Learning Points
Reservist Retirement Points 1  
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
Fulfillment Eligible   N/A
Technical Requirements Click Here
Additional Information:
  • Any exams in this course must be passed with a minimum score of 80%.
  • There is no time limit for completing this course.
  • After completing the course, please be sure to complete the survey at the end.
  • The CLPs assigned to this learning activity may be used to meet professional certification and/or licensure requirements (PDUs/CPE credits).