
WSD 009 Influencer

DAU Courses

iCatalog Home WSD 009 Influencer
(Last Modified:09-Jul-2022)


Influencer Training is ideal for individuals, teams, and organizations looking to overcome profound, persistent, and resistant problems in their organization, team, or personal life. The training provides individuals at any level of an organization with the skills to develop an effective and comprehensive influencer strategy to overcome these problems.

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Target Attendees
Influencer Training is ideal for individuals, teams, and organizations looking to overcome profound, persistent, and resistant problems in their organization, team, or personal life. The training provides individuals at any level of an organization with the skills to develop an effective and comprehensive influence strategy to overcome these problems. Class size-minimum 12 to maximum 30.
Predecessor Course(s)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Expires On
None None None None
Course Length
2 classroom days
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Workshop
Equivalent Courses N/A
Availability All
PDS Code N/A
Walk-ins Authorized N/A
Pre-work required No
First Offering 4/21/2015
ACE Recommended Credits N/A
Continuing Education Units   0
Continuous Learning Points  14
Reservist Retirement Points  0
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
Fulfillment Eligible N/A
Technical Requirements Click Here
Training conducted by DAU faculty who are certified by VitalSmarts.